Tutti Matti per l'Italiano!

What exactly is merletto al tombolo? Well, it is a very old art form that harks back to the age of Caterina de' Medici. It is an antique way of making lace by hand. Anna Maria Gherardi, who lives in Arezzo, has done this type of work since she was a girl and during her childhood, Debora remembers hearing the noise the spools of the threads made always in the background as her mom worked on her roundtable creating pieces of lace that she put together later to make things like napkins and tablecloths.

Direct download: Tombolo-Studentessa-Matta-Learn-Italian.m4a
Category:Italian Language -- posted at: 2:21pm PDT

The hottest days of summer are called the dog days of summer. In Italian, the expression is La canicola estiva. In this Youtube video find out reason why! Hint: it has something to do with the brightest star in the summer sky - Sirius AND the ancient Romans!

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To find out more about my Italian language Immersion programs in Italy for 2019 visit: https://www.studentessamatta.com/italian-language-immersion-programs-italy/

Direct download: La-Canicola-Dog-Days-Summer.m4a
Category:Italian Language -- posted at: 2:13pm PDT